Satanic Display Appears At Boca Raton Holiday Festival Parade Causing Massive Uproar In Florida

By Nate Brown  Published: December 20, 2016

(WPTV) — Now, some local interfaith clergy members are coming together to take a stand. The display is in Sanborn Square off Federal Highway, right next to a nativity scene. At some point between the pentagram going up in the park yesterday and early this morning, it appears someone spray-painted over the symbol and the banner next to it.

The man behind the display is Preston Smith. The city of Boca Raton gave him a permit to put up the display and the Freedom from Religion Foundation provided a Bill of Rights banner that accompanies the pentagram.

In a statement, Smith said in part, “Love trumps hate. The First Amendment must be protected, including the freedom to offend.”

A group of local interfaith clergy members plan to hang their own banner at the park at 9am. In a statement they said in part, “The Interfaith religious community honors our constitutional rights of freedom of speech and worship. We are blessed to live in a country that cherishes and protects these rights. The use of satanic symbols is offensive, and harmful to our community’s well being. We find it a shameful and hypocritical way to advocate for freedom from religion.”

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at WPTV

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Stuart Harrison
Stuart Harrison
7 years ago

What are they getting so upset about? Satan has ‘everything’ to do with this pagan time of year

7 years ago

Check out this creepy trailer for the movie A Cure for Wellness