Shocking Scientific Theory Surfaces – Antarctica Was Once Ice Free, and Ancient Civilizations Thrived

By Nate Brown  Published: December 12, 2016

Long, long ago there was no ice at the North Pole during the Summertime; and now a new scientific theory has surfaced claiming that there was no ice in Antarctica long ago as well.

The theory is based on crustal displacement, which is the theory that the icy tundra may have been ice free, and could have been home to an ancient and mysterious civilization.

Professor Charles A Hapgood, a history expert from the US, first published a paper in the 1950s that said movement in the Earth’s crust meant that only 11,600 years ago large parts of Antarctica were totally ice free.

He said evidence of this was in the 500-year-old Piri Reis map – a world map drawn up by the Ottoman admiral of the same name.

A number of scholars who have examined the map claim it clearly shows the west coast of Africa, the east coast of South America and the northern coast of Antarctica – but not covered in sheet ice.

US Air Force Lt. Colonel Harold Z Ohlmeyer sent a letter in 1960 to Professor Hapgood saying his theory on the Piri Reis map was correct.

He wrote: “The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.

“This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. This part of Antarctica [is] ice free.

“The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick.”

The Piri Reis map of the world appears to show Antarctica without ice

In addition to the Antarctic theory; sediment samples from the North Pole taken by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, prove that long ago, there was no ice in the summer time.

The scientific theory adds weight to the claim that regarding that long ago ancient civilizations thrived at both the North Pole and Antarctica, the remaining question is what happened to them?

Works Cited

Rachel O'Donoghue. “The Lost City of Antarctica: Shock claims massive CIVILISATION exists beneath mile of ice.” Daily Star. . (2016): . .

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7 years ago

1. 200+- years of US & German & Dutch records
…confirmed by Russian, Japanese, & Chinese Records

Here are the hottest years on record:
1. 2015 + 0.89
2. 2014 + 0.74
3. 2010 + 0.70
4. 2013 + 0.66
5. 2005 + 0.65
6. 2009 + 0.63
7. 1998 + 0.63
8. 2012 + 0.61
9. 2006 + 0.61
10. 2003 + 0.61
15 of the 16 Warmest Record WORLD Annual Temperatures have occurred since 2000.
The last 20 Years have been the WARMEST 20 Year Period in world history.

11 Science Research teams from 11 different Nations, have attempted to disprove the thesis
that this period has been the WARMEST 20 Year in recorded history….
They examined literally hundreds (100’s& 100’s) of Ice Cores
& soil cores, tree rings & fossilized tree rings,
stalagmites, fossils, etc….
The Conclusion is that this 20 year period is CLEARLY
THE HOTTEST 20 Years in thousands of years,
NOT just
in recorded history !

** No Record cool years since 1909/1911 !
London’s THAMES river froze over every 30 or 40 years
…hasn’t frozen since 1814!
If everything is SO NORMAL in the world, wouldn’t you think we would have
half of those years as record cold years?…or the River Thames…once or twice??

The last ice age ended about 12,000 years ago.
The peak post ice-age temperatures occurred about 7,000 years ago, during the Holocene Climatic Optimum.
We’ve been headed back into an ice age for the last 7,000 years, inch by inch.

It would normally take another 5,000 years before we’d be back in another ice age.
And temperatures world wide have been falling for nearly 1000 years,
*** noticeably cooling .
But the trend back to another ice age ended abruptly 200-250 years


the increase in the world’s population all wanting to be warm…
Chopped & burned tens of millions of trees,
dug up & BURNED tens of millions…& soon tens of billions of of tons of COAL.

(( PRIOR centuries, HAVE NOW BEEN renamed “LITTLE ICE AGE” ))

* Current temperatures are now well above the Holocene peak.
..Warmer than the Medieval Warming by FAR.

(which was not a global event, but a reference point)
(It was warmer then, compared to the following Centuries of Cooling
as we steadily cooled into what was thought to be an ICE AGE.)

3.* The real problem is the fact that temperatures are rising &
are rising faster than life can adapt.*

The Permian Extinction was the worst mass extinction in the history of the Earth.
It was caused by a rapid rise in temperature that
>>> wiped out 96% marine species & 76% of land species. <<> is 1 degree every 83 years. <<

That's 90+- times
faster than than
the Permian Extinctions.
And we don't even need models to show the case for AGW.

15 of the 16 YEARS since 2000 have been record hot! …
The last 20 year period has been the hottest 20 Year Period in recorded history.
If we examine PROXY MEASUREMENTS…like 100's & 100's of ICE CORES from around the world,
we now know The Last 20 Year Period has been the hottest in thousands of years.

If Anything,
Climate Science Model Projections Prove Too Conservative
Checking 20 years worth of projections shows that the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has consistently underestimated
the pace and impacts of global warming.


The models could barely be more accurate:

Observations versus the current range of model projections here:

Global Well Known Climate Models have successfully predicted:
· That the Earth would warm (noticably by 2015), & about how fast, and about how much.
· That the troposphere would warm & the stratosphere would cool.(no natural cycle could do that!)
· That nighttime temperatures would increase more than daytime temperatures. (no natural cycle could to that)
· That winter temperatures would warm faster than more than summer temperatures.
· Polar amplification (greater temperature increase as you move toward the poles).!)
(but no one ventured to say that MID WINTER, near the N. Pole, "with 24 Hrs. of no sun",
that temps would be above FREEZING as they are TODAY and AS THEY WERE 2015!!)
· That the Arctic would warm faster than the Antarctic.
· The magnitude (0.3 K) & duration (two years) of the cooling from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption.
· They made a retrodiction for Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperatures which was inconsistent with the paleo evidence, and better paleo evidence showed the models were right.
· They predicted a trend significantly different & differently signed from UAH satellite temperatures, and then a bug was found in the satellite data.
· The amount of water vapor feedback due to ENSO.
· The response of southern ocean winds to the ozone hole.
· The expansion of the Hadley cells.
· The poleward movement of storm tracks.
· The rising of the tropopause and the effective radiating altitude.
· The clear sky super greenhouse effect from increased water vapor in the tropics.
· The near constancy of relative humidity on global average.
· That coastal upwelling of ocean water would increase.…
Model Performace on Various

Whirled Publishing
7 years ago

What can survive beneath the weight of billions of tons of ice? What city won’t be washed away into the sea by the glacial melt which flows directly below the glaciers?