Video: HILLARY CLINTON FAINTS – Clinton’s aides say she ‘overheated’ after suffering ‘medical episode’

By Nate Brown  Published: September 11, 2016

The Democratic presidential nominee’s “knees buckled” as she left the event before it ended and was helped into a van.

Her campaign team later revealed she had been “overheated” but was now feeling “much better”.

US journalist Rick Levanthal of Fox News said: “She unexpectedly left early because of what appeared to be a medical episode.

“I have a law enforcement source who was there, who was 15 feet away form Hillary Clinton. He said she was standing on a curb with her protective detail waiting for her motorcade.

“They were surprised to see her because she wasn’t meant to be leaving yet.

“When it finally rolled up my source said she stumbled off the curb, appeared to faint, lost one of her shoes, which wound up under the van.”

SOURCE – Express

Hillary Clinton fainted and suffered a medical emergency today, but the Clinton campaign immediately launched a cover-up.

“A witness told Fox News that Clinton stumbled off the curb, her “knees buckled” and she lost a shoe as she was helped into a van during her “unexpected early departure.”

Campaign aides tried to keep the press away from Clinton as soon as they heard about the incident.

Video clearly shows that Hillary faints and stumbles before she is helped into the van.

SOURCE – Infowars

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