Wire: Religion Setting The Stage for The Antichrist, The One World Government Draws Nigh

By The Editor  Published: July 21, 2017

Tonight on the wire, you will not want to miss this episode, the world government is preparing for ‘lift off’ through the multipolar world structure that has come about, in addition, religion is setting the stage for the false messiah. All that and so much more tonight on The Wire.

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Lamb\'s Servant
Lamb\'s Servant
7 years ago

I have a few comments. I do believe that the Shroud of Turin is authentic. All of the evidence points to it’s authenticity. Furthermore, if it is authentic, then God, Himself, gave approval for His likeness to be made through icons and statues. To say that it is wrong to make images is nothing more than the iconoclasm of Islam.

mark shirley
mark shirley
7 years ago

I’ll wager you are a catholic, and your opinion here is your catholic preference, which is in direct contradiction to the KJV Word of God. God put those prohibitions against making images just for you. I would advise you to get out of that harlot church and into Jesus ‘that’s all’, before the judgements of God begin to fall, just after He raptures His true children who have embraced Jesus Lordship and His sacrifice for them, ‘PLUS NOTHING’!

7 years ago
Reply to  mark shirley

Mark Shirley wrote,

“I’ll wager you are a catholic,”

Yes, I’m a Catholic Christian.

“which is in direct contradiction to the KJV Word of God. God put those prohibitions against making images just for you”

If that is the case then why did God say to make images? Here are the verses,

* Ex 25:18-19 – make two cherubim of beaten gold * Num 21:8-9 – Moses made bronze serpent & put on pole * 1Kgs 6:23-29 – temple had engraved cherubim, trees, flowers * 1Kgs 7:25-45 – temple had bronze oxen, lions, pomegranates

“I would advise you to get out of that harlot church and into Jesus ‘that’s all’,”

But it’s not the “harlot church.” It is the true Church that He founded and it is the Church that He desires all to be a part of. Let me ask you this, if it is the “harlot church” then why does it profess Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior?

“just after He raptures His true children who have embraced Jesus Lordship and His sacrifice for them, ‘PLUS NOTHING’!”

As Catholics we believe that the rapture and the Second Coming are one and the same event. We do not believe in a pre-trib rapture. In fact, it goes against the Scriptures(John 17) and this belief only originates from around 1850.


mark shirley
mark shirley
7 years ago
Reply to  tasdgs

Ok, it is one thing for God to command Moses to make images specifically for the temple through which He wishes to convey experiential truths which Jesus will later fulfil in His first coming as the sacrificial lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and quite another for some usurper to go around creating and authorising images willy-nilly according to ones own political preferences which might promote ones control over others through a redirected fear or adulation due God alone directly spirit to Spirit.

As for your claim that the catholic church is the true church. Many have asked me if I believe there are truly born-again Christians in the catholic institution.
I reply, “Undoubtedly! But the instant these souls called on the Lord Jesus for their salvation on God’s terms, they in that instant ceased to be catholic.”
It is enough to confess Jesus as Lord, but if you add a single work to that confession as regards your salvation in your naked call to Him, you negate by your works that FREE salvation offered by God on His terms, which is, ‘Salvation is the whole work of God and all the glory of it belongs to Him alone.”
The catholic institution is founded on a ‘salvation by faith, plus works to maintain’ base, which is no salvation at all.
See what the apostle Paul says about that in Galatians 1:6-9 I repeat. Best you flee that catholic harlot religion to Jesus plus nothing whilst you still can.
Take care, we are just about there!

7 years ago
Reply to  mark shirley

mark shirley wrote,

“Ok, it is one thing for God to command Moses to make images specifically for the temple through which He wishes to convey experiential truths which Jesus will later fulfil in His first coming as the sacrificial lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and quite another for some usurper to go around creating and authorising images willy-nilly according to ones own political preferences which might promote ones control over others through a redirected fear or adulation due God alone directly spirit to Spirit.”

But why would it promote control over others? Images remind you of Jesus Christ and all that is holy. We need more of that not less.

“As for your claim that the catholic church is the true church. Many have asked me if I believe there are truly born-again Christians in the catholic institution.
I reply, “Undoubtedly! But the instant these souls called on the Lord Jesus for their salvation on God’s terms, they in that instant ceased to be catholic.”

1. Catholics believe that anyone who is validly baptized is born again.
2. Why would they cease to be Catholic? We believe that salvation is a process as outlined in Sacred Scripture, Past Event (I have been saved)

* Rom 8:24 – for in hope we were saved * Eph 2:5, 8 – by grace you have been saved through faith * 2Tim 1:9 – He saved us, called us according to his grace * Tit 3:5 – He saved us through bath of rebirth, renewal by Holy Spirit

Present Process (I am being saved)

* Phil 2:12 – work out your salvation with fear and trembling * 1Pet 1:9 – as you attain the goal of your faith, salvation

Future Event (I will be saved)

* Mt 10:22 – he who endures to the end will be saved * Mt 24:1 – he who perseveres to the end will be saved * Mk 8:35 – whoever loses his life for my sake will save it * Acts 15:11 – we shall be saved through the grace of Jesus * Rom 5:9-10 – since we are justified, we shall be saved * Rom 13:11 – salvation is nearer now than first believed * Cor 3:15 – he shall be saved, but only as through fire * 1Cor 5:5 – deliver man to Satan so his spirit may be saved * Heb 9:28 – Jesus will appear second time, to bring salvation

“It is enough to confess Jesus as Lord, but if you add a single work to that confession as regards your salvation in your naked call to Him, you negate by your works”

Let’s look at what Our Lord said in Matt. 7:21, 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

From what Our Lord said it is not enough to call Him “Lord.” We also have to do(works) the will of the Father.

“The catholic institution is founded on a ‘salvation by faith, plus works to maintain’ base, which is no salvation at all.”

We beleive that we are saved by the grace of God and that we are justified by faith(Eph. 2:8-9) and good works(James 2:24).

“See what the apostle Paul says about that in Galatians 1:6-9”

But how do you know that Galatians 1:6-9 does not refer to the Protestant/Evangelical/Fundamentalist movement?

Take care also.

mark shirley
mark shirley
7 years ago
Reply to  tasdgs

As you wish.

7 years ago

John 20:7 Clearly tells us that Yeshua (Jesus) was wrapped in to pieces of cloth when He was buried. The Shroud of Turin is Not Yeshua’s burial cloth hands down. The shroud may be authentic for the person who died and was covered in it but not any connection towards our Messiah Yeshua as per the scriptures.
The Shroud of Turin is just some man made ” I wanna believe its true with out any biblical or scientific proof” just because is Not gonna cut it!

Yahovah God’s word is the final authority hands down tasdgs!!!!

John 20:7 7 and the cloth which had been around Jesus’ head. It was not lying with the linen cloths but was rolled up by itself.

7 years ago
Reply to  XTrooper

But how do you know that it has no connection to Our Lord? All of the evidence points to it’s authenticity.