What in the World Was Just Spotted in The Clouds Over Anderson, Indiana?!

By Nate Brown  Published: February 10, 2017

A strange figure was spotted in the clouds over Anderson, Indiana in November and it appears as though it could be an angel, or demon.

Have a look for yourself? Tell us what you think below.

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7 years ago

From numerous other you tube videos it’s clear that CERN has opened a portal to the dark side and that demons are manifesting all over the world folks. We can only guess at what this image is but mine would be it’s angelic. The world is being prepared for the manifestation of so called aliens which is reality are DEMONS and part of the end time deception. I pray God will give wisdom & discernment to His people in these last days.

Ole Ingvar
Ole Ingvar
7 years ago

Repetition before playing a trumpet 😀