
Series Official Street Preachers Media


Wire: Religion Setting The Stage for The Antichrist, The One World Government Draws Nigh

Tonight on the wire, you will not want to miss this episode, the world government is preparing for 'lift off' through the multipolar world structure that has come about, in addition, religion is setting the stage for the false messiah. All that and so much more tonight on The Wire.

Wire: ‘Mountain of God’ Set to Erupt? Global Welfare State To Be Created By...

Tonight on The Wire; is the Mountain of God volcano set to erupt? Will Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and others successfully implement universal basic income on a global scale? Find out on tonight's episode.

Wire: Are We Facing Extinction? Canadian Government Admits Abortion is Eugenics, Army Paves Way...

Tonight on the Wire; scientists claim humanity is on the verge of the sixth greatest extinction according to new research. Canada admits that abortion and contraception is a 'Tool to End Poverty,' in other words eugenics. Pope Benedict claims that the Catholic Church is on the verge of capsizing, and a Benedict collaborator contends that Francis is pushing a secular agenda. In addition, the US Army is now pushing the transgender agenda on personnel starting with Chaplains, all that and so much more tonight on The Wire.

Wire: One World Currency Next Year? Mac and Cheese Alters Male Hormones, Christianity is...

Welcome to the Official Street Preachers Wire, you can listen to this broadcast by either listening to the embedded podcast above - or you can...

Wire: Geopolitical Destruction Cometh, The One World Government Begins With the Allegiance of China...

Welcome to the Official Street Preachers Wire, you can listen to this broadcast by either listening to the embedded podcast above - or you can...

Wire: UN Adopts Nuclear Arms Treaty, IBM Building AI Supercomputer After Human Brain

Welcome to the Official Street Preachers Wire, you can listen to this broadcast by either listening to the embedded podcast above - or you can...

The Wire: NASA Prepares Antichrist System, Zuckerberg Calls Facebook the ‘New Church,’ Canadian Baby...

Tonight on the Wire, NASA is both preparing for a Solar Minimum and facilitating the Antichrist system all while Mark Zuckerberg claims Facebook is the new 'Church.' In Canada, for the first time, a child will be labeled genderless. All that and so much more on tonight's explosive episode of The Wire.

The Wire: Is Yellowstone about to Blow? Christian Organizations Being Labeled As hate Groups,...

Tonight on the Wire, Christian groups are now being deemed hate groups by GuideStar for opposing same-sex marriage, new archeological discoveries have led to the uncovering of a 'skull cult' in Turkey, and a monstrous alter dedicated to a Chinese sun deity...

New Pew Poll: Gay Marriage Support Among White Evangelicals Has Doubled

Gay marriage support among evangelicals has risen proving that a crisis within the Church at large is brewing.

Is The Stock Market About To Collapse? Marc Faber, Financial Expert, Warns Stocks Set...

Marc Faber the original "Dr. Doom” is predicting that a massive stock market plunge could take place soon. A drop that large could take the...

School Bans The Lord’s Prayer;’ Students Disagree – Interrupt Ceremony And Sing It...

Students of East Liverpool High School have a tradition to keep, and that is reciting the Lord's Prayer. The Freedom from Religion Foundation demanded...

The Wire: Government Preparations Prove “An Event Is Going To Happen,” NASA Tasked To...

Tonight on the Wire, NASA has been tasked by congress to find proof of evolution and aliens in space, in addition Anonymous the hacker collective claims that NASA will be announcing proof of extraterrestrial life, shortly. As Christians we are to grapple with the ever growing reality that our Churches are turning towards apostasy and we must do what we can to stop the tide of culture swaying Biblical Truth. Also massive Government preparations prove “An Event Is Going To Happen." All that and so much more on this episode of The Wire.

The Wire: States Call For Constitutional Convention, Unrest is Coming, The LGBT Agenda Exposed...

In tonight's jam-packed episode of The Wire,  the Koch brothers are attempting to have a convention of the States called to alter the United States Constitution, in addition the agenda behind the LGBT movement is not just about the demoralization of our society, rather it is also about transhumanism. Is unrest coming to the United States? Political turmoil over the last several months has carried over into the day to day life of many Americans, and such is potentially threatening the "peace time" we are living in. Katy Perry wants to so badly undo her deal with the devil in a new interview, and the communist nation of China is ready to fill the void left by the United States on the world stage; all that and so much more in this episode of The Wire.

Controversy Ensues: Pope Francis, The Vatican Uphold Decision to Appoint Pro-Abortion Professor to Pro-Life...

The Vatican responded to criticism over its newly appointee to the Pontifical Academy For Life, Nigel Bigar.

200 Million Americans At Risk – Massive GOP Data Leak Uncovered, Addresses, Birthdates, Phone...

A massive leak was discovered on GOP servers that exposed data such as home addresses, phone numbers, and birthdates, of over 200 Million Americans to the public.

LGBTQ Groups Attempting to Ban Christian Conservatives From Government

The LGBT agenturs are attempting to remove Christian conservatives from the United States government.

The Wire: War Next in the Middle East? Canada Brings About Hate Crimes Charges...

In tonight's Wire, we cover the ever growing threat of the Canadian government to freedom, and how a new law will effect Christianity. In addition to the aforementioned, a historic church in Washington has forsaken the Scripture and embraced modern day culture. Also, the White House plans to expand the campaign in Syria, and on Sunday the Allied forces downed a Syrian jet. All that and so, so much more on The Wire.

London: Grenfell Tower Horror – Babies Thrown From Windows, As Fire Almost Engulfed The...

An enormously large blaze broke out at the Grenfell Tower in London where reportedly Twelve are confirmed dead, and police are expecting further fatalities.

The Bible is UNDER ATTACK: Southern Baptists Remove All Masculine References From Scripture, Even...

The Bible, Christians, and the Church in America and all over the world are all under assault by culture.

Eyewitness: Seth Rich Didn’t Even Known he Was Shot

A man claiming to be Mark Mueller, Seth Rich’s neighbor, who may also be going by the alias Scott Roberts, was at the scene when Rich was shot on July 10, 2016, and was listed in the police report.

Florida Sheriff Warns Americans Need To Arm Up Now, Declares ‘This is War’

A Florida Sheriff’s video, which urges civilians to arm themselves and prepare for war, is quickly making the rounds on social media.

Israel bans Heinz Ketchup Cites Links To Liver, Pancreas, Immune System, and Brain Issues

The food industry only allows it to be sold as “tomato seasoning”, not “tomato ketchup”. Triggered by a series of tests conducted by an Israeli food company also selling ketchup.

Censorship: Wall Township High School in NJ Photoshops Out All References To Trump in...

Students at Wall Township High School in New Jersey were silenced for referencing Trump in their year books.

Wire: Unborn Children Are Now Jewelry, LGBT Attempting Remove Classification of Homosexuality As Biblical...

In tonight's Wire, we cover several topics ranging from the LGBT community attempting to have homosexuality, transgenderism removed from 'Sin List.' In addition, an Australian company is turning fertilized human embryos — that is, children at the embryonic stage — into jewelry. As well as coverage of the anti-sharia law protests that were met with paid protestors and communists all across the country, and finally so much more - watch above to find out.

Founding Member of the Oath Keepers: “Civil War is Imminent”

According to one of the founding members of the Oath Keepers, civil war is imminent and the majority of the protestors who showed up to counter protest the Anti-Sharia Law Protests, held in various parts of the country, are paid.

According To Bernie Sanders You Can’t Be A Christian And Work in the Government,...

Bernie Sanders showed his true colors during a Trump nominee's hearing for deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. According to Sanders Christians can't work in government, according to Sanders' actions nominees must pass a 'religious test.'

The Wire: June 8th The Day of Non-Stop Bombshells – The Deep State Defeated,...

In tonight's episode of the Wire, we covered today's events ranging from The Comey Bombshells to Pope Francis claiming that "God is not God without man." June 8th, 2017 will be known as the day that the record was finally set straight - The liberal witch hunt is all based on hot air and distractions.

Well Known Pastor: Terror Attacks are a Signal for the End Times, Demonic Spirits...

A Well known Pastor in California claims that we are living in the End Times, his reaoning terrorism.

Artificial Intelligence Can Now Draw ‘Human Faces;’ One Problem, It’s Drawing Demons

An Artificial Intelligence was programmed to draw human faces, one problem it didn’t draw people, rather it drew demons.

North Kore Fires Multiple Missiles – Eurasia is Destabilizing

North Korea on Wednesday fired multiple surface-to-ship missiles.

Brain Implants Are Here: Government, Tech Companies Working on Making Brain ‘Programmable’

Brain implants aren't coming because they are already here. Tech companies and Government agencies are working on making the Brain programmable and debuggable.

The Wire: Shocking Worldwide Events Continue, Shadow Government Plans Global Takeover

Tonight on The Wire; The shadow government finished up their 2017 meeting, amidst yet another terror attack, this time in London. More Christians are being persecuted today than ever before, all while the rise of insanity is taking place. Crazy worldwide earthly events continue, all that and so much more on The Wire.

DARPA Creates System to Augment Soldiers and Artificial Intelligence

The future of war will not be waged by those who are the strongest, those who can shoot the best, or by those who...
Bohemian Grove House of Cards Episode

What Was Bohemian Grove Doing On TV? Crazy Footage From House Of Cards Episode...

The House of cards becomes a conspiracy theory; the television show recently featured images that directly depicted the ongoings at Bohemian Grove.

The Wire: Donald Trump Defies The World – Unhinges America From The Bonds of...

Donald Trump in a defining moment, shocked and defied the World; he pulled America from the Paris Agreement.

Wire: Catholic Church To Approve Euthanasia? Human Brain Waves Will Teach Robots To Shoot

In tonight's Wire; we are covering the Brothers of Charity, a Catholic Church, and how they are attempting to approve euthanasia for patients, including those under psychiatric care, at their health centers. Also, we are covering North Korea's latest threats against the United States, and how now Kim Jung Un wants to 'blow up' the White House. For tonight's specials reports welcome to the world where your dreams aren't even safe anymore, and the terminator comes alive. Don't miss tonight's Wire.

Wire: Here’s How the NWO Will Control You, Scientists Find Link Between Alcohol and...

At the convergence of science and technology we stand, on the brink of something tyrannical taking over our land.

Wire: The Takeover Commences – Kushner Ties To Foreign Banks, Fox News Going...

Kushner has ties to foreign banks, Soros, and the like but that's not all; the Republicans are growing weary of Trumps ability to get the job done, is a shutdown coming this September?

Man Found Nailed to a Tree in New Mexico

A crazy story surfaced from Bosque a city in New Mexico; a man was found nailed to a tree. The individual's arms were stretched out, and a nail was in each hand, but the man wasn't bleeding.

Wire: The Liberal Coalition To Abolish Independent Media, Frankenstein Comes to LIFE?!

In today's broadcast, we cover everything from the strategies being used by the Mainstream media to abolish free speech and independent journalism to the Fukushima crisis. Also, on tonight's broadcast, we cover how Google will soon be your healthcare provider and why North Korea is a potential key-part of the elite's plan to starting world war 3.

Did The President Just Admit to Being Two-Faced? Donald Trump: “I’m a globalist and...

There are high hopes that Donald Trump puts America first, but his latest comments in response to the NAFTA flip-flop may prove otherwise; in fact, it may prove a long-held suspicion about the man that he is two-faced.

Obama Administration Manipulated Climate Data; Whistleblower – ‘Everyone Has An Agenda,’ Data Was ‘Misleading’

While Obama is busy accepting $400,000 for speeches, it would appear as though people within his administration are also doing a little 'speaking' of their own; former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin claims that the bureaucrats spin scientific data.

Wire: Prominent Scientists Rally For Depopulation Agenda, Donald Trump ‘Captured By Deep State’

Prominent scientists plan to urge policy makers to create a penalizing policy for parents who have 'extra children,' in addition Al Gore requires $15 Trillion to combat 'Global Warming' and it would appear, according to Paul Craig Roberts that Donald Trump has been captured by the Deep State, all that and more on the wire.

All government and media cover-ups about UFOs and aliens will be DISCLOSED soon?

Are we nearing revelations on the lines of Wikileaks in the domain of extraterrestrial intelligence?

Senators Told North Korea Nuclear Threat Is Urgent

The Senate took part in a rare White House briefing on Wednesday to hear what senior leaders described as "an urgent national security threat" posed by North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

Wisconsin Police Department Removes Prayer Plaque Following Atheist Complaint

A police department in Wisconsin has removed a prayer plaque from its walls following receipt of a complaint from a prominent professing atheist organization.

Exclusive Footage of Gotham Shield on the Ground

The above footage is of the military drill Gotham Shield and comes from the youtube channel Erick M.

Wire: Don’t Miss This – The Elite’s Plan To Destruct Society, The End Draws...

Futuristic technology invades with the purpose of taking jobs. Uber ups it's game with new plans of on-demand urban air transport, literally flying taxis, which they plan to release in Dubai and Dallas in 2020.

How Come Nobody is Talking About This?!

The video above was posted by youtuber Jason A.  Learn More here:

Wire: Donald Trump The Two-Faced Deception Exposed, Kushner Tied to 9/11, Gene Editing Begins

According to Politico, the new administration loves the media off camera, but on camera, it's a war path. Also, Kushner has direct funding ties to George Soros and to the corporations that caused 9/11.